The E-Farms Program

In 2020, four Oregon non-profits–Sustainable Northwest, Forth, Wy’East RC&D, and Bonneville Environmental Foundation–launched the E-Farms program. This effort brought the state’s first electric tractors to farms to evaluate the new technology.

The E-Farms program demonstrates the use of technologies such as electric tractors, electric pickup trucks, and other electric farming equipment across the agricultural industry by lending equipment to farmers and collecting feedback on benefits and limitations, comparability to non-electric equipment, and consumer preferences.

Similar to early electric vehicle buyers, switching to a nascent technology like electric tractors can be challenging for farmers. To address this, the E-Farms program allows agricultural producers to pilot electric equipment for a set period of time without taking on significant financial risk. Our team collects data from installed data collection systems and post-use surveys to develop case studies and work to overcome market barriers.

Our goal is to develop policy support and practical financing solutions, while also conducting targeted marketing and outreach campaigns to increase consumer demand and advance rapid adoption across Oregon.

Meet the team.


    Sustainable Northwest (SNW) is a conservation organization looking to find enduring solutions to natural resource challenges. They work at the intersection of environment, community, and economy, bringing entrepreneurial solutions to natural resources challenges. The goal: keep lands healthy and provide economic and community benefits.


    Wy’East Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) works at the center of energy and water concerns, supporting rural communities through the delivery of innovative on-the-ground technical assistance, working to accelerate the demand for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Their mission is to invest in people, partnerships, and resources that achieve solutions leading to a sustainable future in the Pacific Northwest.


    Forth advances equitable access to electric transportation. They work in partnership to build lasting program and policy models that significantly expand equitable access to electric transportation in the U.S. and beyond. Forth’s mission is to electrify transportation by bringing people together to create solutions that reduce pollution and barriers to access.

  • BEF

    Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF) is an entrepreneurial nonprofit focused on equitable environmental solutions at the intersection of renewable energy and clean water. Their work is rooted in strong partnerships and collaboration with other nonprofits, tribes, communities, businesses, utilities, school districts, and government entities.

E-Farms Across Oregon

Since 2021, E-Farms has been helping agricultural producers access electric tractors and other new electric technologies to use on-farm. Check out some of our stories below.

Rusted Gate Farm

The E-Farms team brought the first electric tractor to Rusted Gate Farm in March 2021. Rusted Gate Farm is a non-profit farm that experiments with traditional, alternative, and innovative farm practices. Rusted Gate has used two models of electric tractors for their farming and maintenance operations. Read our case study with Rusted Gate (English).

Black Food Sovereignty Coalition

In January 2022, the E-Farms team partnered with the Black Food Sovereignty Coalition (BFSC) to bring one of the first electric tractors in Oregon to their farm on Sauvie Island. BFSC serves as a collaboration hub for black and brown communities to confront the systemic barriers that make food, place, and economic opportunities inaccessible to them. Read our case study with BFSC (English) (Español).

This program is possible with the support of the Alumbra Innovation Foundation, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, Pacific Power, PGE's Drive Change Fund made possible by The Clean Fuels Program, Roundhouse Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy, and other funding partners.